Courses from Connect2Learning

12 Quick Fixes: Teaching and Assessment in These Times

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With Dr. Anne Davies and Sandra Herbst

The 12 areas of focus in this course allow you to re-examine teaching and assessment practices in hybrid/blended, remote/online, or in person learning environments… and still ignite student learning.

This course is designed for K – 12.

Enrollment: $39 for 1 year of access.


What are the features of this course?

Designed for educators working in hybrid/blended and remote/online learning environments

It’s focused

It shares key ideas needed now

✔ Less is more

✔ QUICK – this is learning that won’t take a lot of time. In fact, it can be done in 10 – 15 minute increments

Practical ideas that are immediately applicable

✔ Builds on familiar practices (with minor tweaks)

Clear ways to narrow the curriculum, rethink lesson plans for synchronous and asynchronous learning, as well as scheduling

It is easily differentiated or personalised by the adult learner

There are specific ideas for “Taking Action”

Clear suggestions for processing the learning are included

Includes a handout of the slides used in the video sequences

includes example subject area references for Mathematics, Science, Humanities, and more (K-12)

Handouts that include examples subject area references for Mathematics, Science, Humanities, and more (K-12)

12 Comprehensive Topics

    1. Engagement and Ownership
    2. Beginning with the End in Mind
    3. Using Samples for Quality and Success
    4. Planning for Reliable and Valid Evidence
    5. Co-constructing Criteria for Success
    6. Success Through Powerful Evidence
    7. Instructional Rubrics for Learning
    8. Self- and Peer Assessment
    9. Goal Setting that Energizes Learning
    10. Collecting Evidence of Learning
    11. Communicating Evidence of Learning
    12. Evaluation and Reporting

*Plus ways to get started and much more.