Courses from Connect2Learning
12 Quick Fixes: Teaching and Assessment in These Times
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The 12 areas of focus in this course allow you to re-examine teaching and assessment practices in hybrid/blended, remote/online, or in person learning environments… and still ignite student learning.
This course is designed for K – 12.
Enrollment: $39 for 1 year of access.
What are the features of this course?
✔ Designed for educators working in hybrid/blended and remote/online learning environments
✔ It’s focused
✔ It shares key ideas needed now
✔ Less is more
✔ QUICK – this is learning that won’t take a lot of time. In fact, it can be done in 10 – 15 minute increments
✔ Practical ideas that are immediately applicable
✔ Builds on familiar practices (with minor tweaks)
✔ Clear ways to narrow the curriculum, rethink lesson plans for synchronous and asynchronous learning, as well as scheduling
✔ It is easily differentiated or personalised by the adult learner
✔ There are specific ideas for “Taking Action”
✔ Clear suggestions for processing the learning are included
✔ Includes a handout of the slides used in the video sequences
✔ includes example subject area references for Mathematics, Science, Humanities, and more (K-12)
✔ Handouts that include examples subject area references for Mathematics, Science, Humanities, and more (K-12)
12 Comprehensive Topics
- Engagement and Ownership
- Beginning with the End in Mind
- Using Samples for Quality and Success
- Planning for Reliable and Valid Evidence
- Co-constructing Criteria for Success
- Success Through Powerful Evidence
- Instructional Rubrics for Learning
- Self- and Peer Assessment
- Goal Setting that Energizes Learning
- Collecting Evidence of Learning
- Communicating Evidence of Learning
- Evaluation and Reporting
*Plus ways to get started and much more.