Books from Connect2Learning:

Protocols for Professional Learning Conversations:

Cultivating the Art and Discipline

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Author: Catherine Glaude
ISBN: 978-0-9682160-7-1
Length: 92 pages
Reference: Glaude, C. 2005. Protocols for Professional Learning Conversations: Cultivating the Art and Discipline. Courtenay, BC: Connections Publishing.

Collegial conversations focused on improving student learning may be the most powerful professional development an educator will experience. Yet how do you foster a culture for these conversations while supporting individuals as they develop their skills in learning from colleagues? This resource book offers a variety of Protocols to help teams work together productively.

“This is a great resource! The range of simple and clear protocols – from those that begin with challenging text readings, through professional goals and challenges, conversations focused on student work, and action research to improve student learning, as well as blackline masters for offering and receiving feedback, reflecting and planning forward – provide a variety of entry points and simple, but powerful, structures. In my work as a supporter and facilitator of learning communities, this book is a gift.” – Kathy Busick

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