Courses from Connect2Learning
Leading the Way to Classroom Assessment for Learning: The University Edition
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There are specific sections in each module for elementary teachers, secondary teachers and educational leaders. Each module offers specific ways to support learning using assessment for learning strategies. The Leaders sections give specific examples of ways to lead using assessment in the service of adult learning.
Note: Each module can also be purchased separately for $39. The value of this complete learning package is outstanding.
With Dr. Anne Davies and Sandra Herbst
Leading the Way to Making Classroom Assessment Work: The University Edition is a complete course designed for post-secondary students (Graduate and undergraduate). It includes the full text of Making Classroom Assessment Work 4th Ed as well as 12 modules focused on different aspects of using Classroom Assessment to support learning.
Price: $99 for 1 year of access.
The 12 included modules are:
- Engagement and Ownership
- Beginning with the End in Mind
- Using Samples for Quality and Success
- Planning for Reliable and Valid Evidence of Learning
- Co-constructing Criteria for Success
- Success through Powerful Feedback
- Instructional Rubrics for Learning
- Self- and Peer Assessment
- Goal Setting that Energizes Learning
- Collecting Evidence Of Learning
- Communicating About Learning
- Evaluating and Reporting
What are the features of this course?
✔ combines theoretical perspectives and proven, practical strategies that can be immediately implemented in all learning environments
✔ information, materials, and explanations are clearly presented
✔ ideas are accessible and easily understood
✔ user-friendly and easy to follow
✔ high quality classroom footage brings the ideas to life
✔ system alignment can be achieved when teacher and leader sections are considered together
✔ appeals to different adult learning styles, with opportunities to read, view, listen, and take action
✔ clear suggestions for processing the learning are included
✔ self-paced and easily differentiated or personalized by the learner
✔ customizable to your needs – secondary plus leader (7-12), or JK-12
Course Content
- Overview video and statement
- Learning Goals and Resources
- Introductory video (transcript included)
- Video – Learning in Hybrid/Blended and Online/Remote Learning
- Video – Elementary Focus (transcript included)
- Classroom Footage
- Selected Readings
- Debriefing the Learning
- Extending the Learning and Taking Action
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)